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Tag: family strengthening

Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development: A Protective Factor

Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development: A Protective Factor

When parents have a strong understanding of how their children will grow and develop over time and are able to implement positive parenting practices to help support their child’s development, they are more equipped to respond effectively to their children’s needs. Current research emphasizes that a parent’s ability to consistently meet a child’s needs at each stage of development is…

Protective Factors Help Prevent Child Abuse & Neglect

Protective Factors Help Prevent Child Abuse & Neglect

The Protective Factors Framework is considered a research-based approach to building parental resilience, social connections, concrete support, knowledge of parenting and child development as well as social and emotional competence of children, so the likelihood of child abuse and neglect diminishes (CSSP, 2018). However, families served by Family Strengthening Organizations often have vastly different needs and professionals are better able…

Equity and the Social Determinants of Health

Equity and the Social Determinants of Health

Why do some individuals experience more positive health outcomes than others? The answer lies not only in genetics, personal choices, or luck, but rather a complex mix of factors within the circumstances of a person’s life. These factors, termed “social determinants of health (SDOH)” are defined as “conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play,…

How Self-Care and Mindfulness Strengthen Your Work

How Self-Care and Mindfulness Strengthen Your Work

Initiating and achieving a sustainable mindset and lifestyle of self-care, empathy, and self-compassion is an important commitment for all family strengthening practitioners. It is not only the responsibility of an individual employee, but also of the supervisors and administrators that support an organization. Self – care is an important set of intentions necessary to mitigate possible stress and challenges in…

National Prevention Science Coalition

Prevention Science addresses individual and societal problems before they develop and encourages a wellness approach to child, family and community outcomes. The National Prevention Science Coalition (NPSC) was formed to promote the application of validated, science-based findings to wide-scale, effective implementation of prevention practices and policies. Guided by science, The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives envisions a society…

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