Tag: COVID-19

Child Maltreatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Child Maltreatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic

What happened to children during the recent global pandemic? The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Services, Office of Child Abuse Prevention (CDSS/OCAP)’s, Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative recently addressed this issue in a webinar on “Child Maltreatment-Related Injuries During the COVID-19 Pandemic in California”. The goal of this webinar was to…

June ACEs Newsletter 2021

June ACEs Newsletter 2021

SPI’s June ACEs newsletter highlights the new campaign The Story of Your Number, shares the newest resources from ACEs Aware such as the ACE Screening Implementation How-To Guide, and links to the ACEs handouts that were translated into multiple languages by our partners at the AAP-CA3. The newsletter also features the YMCA’s new e-book titled “Buffering the Effects of Childhood Experiences…

February ACEs Newsletter 2021

February ACEs Newsletter 2021

In this month’s newsletter, we are excited to provide the latest update with our second round of Networks of Care convenings amongst pediatricians and community-based organization leaders in San Diego. We also provide great resources detailing what a trauma-informed network of care looks like, child and family well-being during the pandemic, and facts about health from the Center on the…

September ACEs Newsletter 2020

September ACEs Newsletter 2020

Introducing, the ACEs Aware Initiative! We are excited to be involved in this new initiative, led by the Office of the Surgeon General, with our partners at the YMCA and the Academy of Pediatrics Chapter 3 (AAP-CA3) to expand and deepen the impact on the local level. In this newsletter, we share what this initiative entails including a Network of…

December Newsletter 2020

December Newsletter 2020

We’re ending the year with tips and ideas on how to reimagine the holiday season during a pandemic, a new ACEs Aware Knowledge to Action Brief on the Protective Factors, and the importance of relational health. We are also excited to feature Roadmap for Resilience, a newly released report by Dr. Nadine Burk Harris. Read the full newsletter here: December…

October Newsletter 2020

October Newsletter 2020

See the latest from the Social Policy Institute including how COVID-19 has affected the elderly in San Diego, information on a new collaborative project led by United Parents, and how to get involved in the Networks of Care as part of the ACEs Aware Initiative. Read the full newsletter here: October 2020


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