SPI’s June ACEs newsletter highlights the new campaign The Story of Your Number, shares the newest resources from ACEs Aware such as the ACE Screening Implementation How-To Guide, and links to the ACEs handouts that were translated into multiple languages by our partners at the AAP-CA3. The newsletter also features the YMCA’s new e-book titled “Buffering the Effects of Childhood Experiences…
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In our April Newsletter, we are honoring Child Abuse Prevention Month. We have been collaborating with our partners at the American Academy of Pediatrics-California Chapter 3 and San Diego’s YMCA Youth & Family Services to spread awareness and reframe the conversation around Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) during this special month. We highlight our latest Network of Care convening and even share a resource from…
In our April newsletter, we honor Child Abuse Prevention Month and speak to the violent, unjust acts against our fellow APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Community). During this month, we lift up the importance of family and community wellness that comes from working together to prevent child abuse and neglect. We also spread awareness of the policies and programs…
We are featuring many highlights, events and resources in our ACEs Aware March Newsletter. We are very excited to feature our newest Knowledge to Action Brief on the Social Determinants of Health and in relation to ACEs. In addition, our partners at the YMCA Youth and Family Services has also developed a helpful ebook, in English and Spanish, for parents…
We are bringing you some very exciting highlights, updates and resources this month! We give you the latest in SDSU’s Big Idea Challenge and share the Social Policy Institute’s video, Healthy Aging Across the Lifespan, that was featured in the Big Idea Showcase. We also give you and update on PACEs Connection, formally known as ACEs Connection, introduce the Family…
In this month’s newsletter, we are excited to provide the latest update with our second round of Networks of Care convenings amongst pediatricians and community-based organization leaders in San Diego. We also provide great resources detailing what a trauma-informed network of care looks like, child and family well-being during the pandemic, and facts about health from the Center on the…
In this newsletter, we are highlighting the latest update and interview from Dr. Nadine Burke Harris. We also share resources such as The Prevention Landscape Scan, a HOPE article, and upcoming news on San Diego’s Regional Networks of Care. Read the full newsletter here: ACEs January Newsletter 2021