Partners in Prevention

``Partners in Prevention (PiP) is cultivating a connected community that nurtures caring, strong, safe and healthy families.``

The Beginning

Increasing the Capacity of Caregivers

By bringing cross-sector partners together in authentic collaboration for collective impact, Partners in Prevention builds on the vision to increase the capacity of providers and caregivers to strengthen the social and emotional well-being of children 0-5 in order to support their engagement in and ongoing success in formal and informal early care and education settings.

Over 25% of children in San Diego county are living in poverty, plus many more families are struggling to make ends meet.

We know that chronic poverty contributes to toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences. We also know that struggling with basic needs impacts parental stress and contributes as a risk factor for maltreatment. We know that childhood adversity, both for children and parents, have lifelong impacts in health, wellbeing and overall stability. And the bottom line is that too many families are experiencing adverse childhood experiences from poverty, toxic stress, and trauma. We have an opportunity here to do more and to do it differently.

What “Prevention” Means for San Diego

Shared Definition of Prevention: families thrive in a connected community that enhances and restores nurturing and responsive relationships and environments. It involves aligning impact on multiple levels so that all children are safe and cherished, all families are nurtured to build up protective factors, and systems/structures create equitable pathways to wellness. In San Diego the focus is on primary prevention. Our shared approach will reflect the innovation required to meet the evolving priorities and needs of children, families and communities.

What Changed

SPI provides consulting and technical assistance to Partners in Prevention to build capacity for a shared working definition of prevention and an integrated learning system to build share understanding and a common approach to addressing ACEs and toxic stress, while strengthening protective factors and promoting child, family and community wellness.

In The End

Partners in Prevention is streamlining how under-resourced families access supportive services to increase their protective factors and decrease child maltreatment and entry into the child welfare system.

For more information about PiP, contact Lori Clarke via email:

Social Policy Institute


SPI's Executive Leadership brings subject matter expertise in their respective fields as well as a combined track record for innovation and quality.

Steve Hornberger

Steve Hornberger is the Co-Director of the Social Policy Institute (SPI) since 2014 administering a number of statewide contracts.

Lori Clarke

As Co-Director, Lori brings innovation and excellence to design/development and facilitation of insight and action.

Stories of Success

What Our Partners Say

Elizabeth Estes

“The Social Policy Institute’s Director, Steve Hornberger, has been an integral part of Breaking Barriers development and implementation. The Social Policy Institute team has brought excellence and innovation to support Breaking Barriers’ work across systems to increase and enhance the well-being of California’s children and youth.”

Elizabeth Estes

Founder, Breaking Barriers
Robin Jenkins

“San Diego State University’s Social Policy Institute has been a highly valued partner for the State of California and an array of organizations seeking to effectively translate evidence-supported science into well-designed public policies for broad social benefits. One example is through our National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives and SDSU collaborations. As well, SPI’s work with county-level Prevention teams and their articulation of best practices with and for Child Abuse Prevention Councils across the state of California has been impressive.”

Robin Jenkins

Associate Director, The Impact Center, University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill
Dr. Rachelle Benson

“The entire team at the Social Policy Institute brought subject matter expertise and cultural humility to the revision and redesign of our Faith-based and Behavioral Health Training Academy! Our trainers appreciated the validation for what they already know and can do; coaching to raise their game to a higher level of performance; and the high-quality, evidence-based materials.”

Dr. Rachelle Benson

Vice President, Stepping Higher Inc.

Partners in Prevention Posts & Resources

Access the Social Policy Institute Blog to learn more.
Addressing Racism and Inequity in Child Welfare: A New Learning Series by the Children’s Bureau
Birth of Brilliance 2024 Conference
United Parents: Parent and Caregiver Engagement Toolkit
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    6505 Alvarado Road, Suite 209
    San Diego, CA 92120

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