Knowledge to Action Briefs

Early Adversity and Social Determinants of Health

Early Adversity and Social Determinants of Health

Some individuals experience more positive health outcomes than others due to various factors known as the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH). The Social Determinants of Health encompass a person’s environment, their individual behaviors, political factors and more. In our latest Knowledge to Action Brief, we discuss the SDOH in depth and how closely they are intertwined with Adverse Childhood Experiences…

HOPE In Times of Adversity

HOPE In Times of Adversity

The majority of people living in California have experienced at least one (1) adverse childhood experience (ACE). Fully 16% have experienced 4 or more ACEs. In SPI’s first ACEs Aware Knowledge to Action Brief, we focus on the challenges children face in the midst of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and how lasting impacts can be prevented or reduced using the…

Parental Resilience: A Protective Factor

Parental Resilience: A Protective Factor

Most of the time the joys of being a parent outweigh the frustrations. When the challenges of parenting accumulate and become overwhelming, parental stress can occur. According to the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), even though all parents experience stress, by increasing parental resilience, parents can effectively manage stressful situations and help ensure positive outcomes for their…

Social-Emotional Competence of Children: A Protective Factor

Social-Emotional Competence of Children: A Protective Factor

Supporting young children to develop social-emotional skills is found to have a profound effect on their health and development in early life and as adults. Social-emotional competence, which includes self regulation, executive functioning, emotional and impulse control, and social and communication skills, influences children’s cognitive and language development, academic achievement, and mental health (CSSP, n.d.). Access the Knowledge to Action…


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