Breaking Barriers

One Agency Serving Many
Californian healthcare and social service systems are tasked with serving the same needs of children yet tend to work in silos. There are many children today, especially in populations of color, who are lacking the appropriate support and resources that address their traumatic experiences and social, emotional and behavioral needs. 

This lack of coordination and collaboration prevents or delays the necessary supports and resources leaving children and families behind. Breaking Barriers California recognizes that only through collaborative planning and problem solving can the educational, social, emotional, and behavioral well-being of California’s children and youth be ensured.  

By aligning, integrating, and innovating efforts from our fragmented systems, ONE child- and family-serving community can be realized.

Social Policy Institute has been a sponsor, thought partner and facilitator of the annual Breaking Barriers Symposium since 2018. Each year the Symposium convenes county teams of cross system staff, community and government stakeholders and youth/family members to “break barriers and build bridges.”  

The purpose is to address the challenges for integrated services to improve the access, quality and outcomes of care, so all CA children and youth have equitable opportunities. 

In 2023, SPI joined San Diego Child and Family Wellbeing system partners to present at the symposium about how to build county-wide wellbeing systems through Interagency Leadership Teams (ILTs), crisis continuum unity, and capacity building.  

View highlights from the 2023 symposium here. 

There are many children today, especially in populations of color, who are lacking the appropriate support and resources that address their traumatic experiences and social, emotional and behavioral needs.

Social Policy Institute has supported Breaking Barriers with: 

  • Designing the annual Symposium (2018-2023) 
  • Moderating the panels and facilitating county teams 
  • Developed and produced the 2019 Symposium Evaluation 
  • Co-edited the Breaking Barriers Toolkit 
  • Designed and hosted the 2019 and 2020 webinar series 
  • Engaging partnerships with statewide agencies to create data dashboards 

For more information about Breaking Barriers:

Contact SPI Director, Steve Hornberger |


6505 Alvarado Road, Suite 214
San Diego, CA 92120

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